Ask ExpertsCategory: Lease and Finance MgtHow to re-use an older Serial Number of an Asset for an existing contract when booking a new contract ?
Rahul Dhawan asked 9 years ago

I have updated an existing booked contract with a new Serial Number. Is there a way to use the original Serial Number which was associated with this contract when booking a new contract. I tried using the same but was prompted an error from the system stating : \”Duplicate use of serial number not allowed\”.Another interesting thing that i came across was that i could still see the reference of old Serial Number for that contract when querying in standard tables but the other query give me the new updated serial number against this contract. Query for latter is as :
Select Csi.Serial_Number — Into v_Serial_Number From Csi_Item_Instances Csi, Okc_k_Items Cim_Ib, Okc_Line_Styles_b Lse_Ib, Okc_k_Lines_b Cle_Ib, Okc_Line_Styles_b Lse_Inst, Okc_k_Lines_b Cle_Inst, Okc_Line_Styles_b Lse_Fin, Okc_k_Lines_b Cle_Fin Where Cle_Fin.Cle_Id Is Null And Cle_Fin.Chr_Id = Cle_Fin.Dnz_Chr_Id And Lse_Fin.Id = Cle_Fin.Lse_Id — And Lse_Fin.Lty_Code = \’FREE_FORM1\’ And Cle_Inst.Cle_Id = Cle_Fin.Id And Cle_Inst.Dnz_Chr_Id = Cle_Fin.Dnz_Chr_Id And Cle_Inst.Lse_Id = Lse_Inst.Id — And Lse_Inst.Lty_Code = \’FREE_FORM2\’ And Cle_Ib.Cle_Id = Cle_Inst.Id And Cle_Ib.Dnz_Chr_Id = Cle_Inst.Dnz_Chr_Id And Cle_Ib.Lse_Id = Lse_Ib.Id — And Lse_Ib.Lty_Code = \’INST_ITEM\’ And Cim_Ib.Cle_Id = Cle_Ib.Id And Cim_Ib.Dnz_Chr_Id = Cle_Ib.Dnz_Chr_Id And Cim_Ib.Object1_Id1 = Csi.Instance_Id — And Cim_Ib.Object1_Id2 = \’#\’ And Cim_Ib.Jtot_Object1_Code = \’OKX_IB_ITEM\’ And Csi.Install_Location_Type_Code = \’HZ_PARTY_SITES\’ And Cle_Fin.Dnz_Chr_Id = \’5141990\’ — And Cle_Fin.Id = Oper_Cur.Dnz_Cle_Id — And Cle_Ib.Id = Oper_Cur.Kle_Id And Csi.Serial_Number Is Not Null;–
Please suggest if this is something standard functionality of Oracle to keep a reference of old Serial Number or something else which is stopping the user to use older Serial Number which ideally we should be able to use.

Rahul Dhawan replied 9 years ago

Hi Admin,There are 2 tables wherein the Serial Number is stored. When using Lease Super User – Operations responsibility to see the contract details, then under the Configuration tab in Asset Details : Serial Number is stored in this table : OKL_TXL_ITM_INSTSAnd, when queried using Oracle Forms using Lease Center, serial number is populated using table : CSI_ITEM_INSTANCES.When queried in database, the first table still shows old serial number whereas the latter shows updated one.Is there a way by which the data in these 2 tables should be synced which ideally should be the same or something that has to be done manually by running an update query.Please suggest a solution to resolve this issue.

1 Answers
Kanti Jinger Staff answered 9 years ago

When authoring a contract (before booking), the serial number is stored in OKL_TXL_ITM_INSTS. When contract is booked, a record is created in CSI_ITEM_INSTANCES with this serial number.
When you author a new contract using the same serial number, a check is made in CSI_ITEM_INSTANCES for this serial number. If it exists, it gives the error.
Please let us know what exactly is your requirement so that we can provide an appropriate solution,

Rahul Dhawan replied 9 years ago

For one of our Business Org’s, we entered 1PY5075EAFA111100 for a contract, and later on we revised this no. to 1PY5075ECFA111108 by rebooking.
Later on, we used 1PY5075EAFA111100 and enter to the new contract but system showed an error stating that it’s duplicated no. and we cannot proceed to book.
is their a way to re-use the above Serial Number for a new contract wherein it passes the validation. I checked in database and could see that there is no reference for this Older Serial number in CSI_ITEM_INSTANCES table but for the existing contract it still shows the older Serial Number against it in OKL_TXL_ITM_INSTS table.

Please suggest a solution which could resolve the above issue.

Rahul Dhawan replied 9 years ago

The issue was resolved by applying a one – off patch provided by Oracle as a solution to above problem.

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